The time of the Sun King

Since the death of Mazarin, Louis XIV ruled by himself, just with the support of his great ministers Colbert and Louvois. In addition, he could pursue his passion for orange trees, deer hunting, dance performances, where he was the main actor, building lavish palaces and gardens with fountains, organizing huge celebrations, and last but not least, passion for his beautiful mistresses. The government of the longest reigning monarch in the history of Europe is one of the most interesting and most vibrant period. Anne Golon's work takes place just in the second half of the 17th century and thus it is filled with hundreds of real characters.

The books and movies about the time of the Sun King
The seventeenth century is in special popularity of the filmmakers and there are also many films about the ancestors and descendants of Louis XIV. The comparison of different versions of the same event can open plenty of the new questions but also allows to make a deeper analysis and a standardization.

The century of the Sun King, when the Angélique's story takes place, was very long. The graphic timeline shows the main points of Angélique’s life in combination of the historical events during the period of 1625 – 1715, when the first day of the September the king Louis XIV died.

The fashion of the Sun King period
Flowing, sophisticated, decorative and exciting. The clothes, accessories, makeup and hairstyles of the French courtiers were so exceptional that they have become an inspiration throughout Europe very soon. Winter and summer seasons were alternated at least just as fast as today. The section also includes the topics about lifestyle such as toiletries, hygiene and sexual life.